About me

Jan Kopetzky – Fotograf

Was born 1976 in Berlin. Jan got his first camera when he was twelve years old and by the time he was sixteen he knew he will be a photographer.

From that point on his path was clear: high school photography classes, photographing for the school paper and yearbook, a photography degree from the Lette-Verein Berlin (1998-2001).
Many freelance assistant jobs with national and international photographers such as Esther Haase, Olaf Blecker, Peter Lindbergh, Annie Leibovitz, Rankin, as well as working in the art buying section of Philipp und Keuntje in Hamburg.
His love of people and portrait photography has always been evident in both his commissioned work and personal projects.


Liegnitzer Straße 30
10999 Berlin


M: +49 (0) 163 755 24 81

USt.-IDNr.: DE 218793415

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Klaus Stiegemeyer
Hopfensack 14
20457 Hamburg

T: +49 (0) 40 41 00 54 04
F: +49 (0) 40 41 00 54 05

Website: Brandel & Gerlach, Florian Brandel


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